Ernst leitz wetzlar microscope 212000 serial number
Ernst leitz wetzlar microscope 212000 serial number

American Optical 11144 Voltage Selector& Light Source w/ Adjustable Iris. Johannes Heidenhain VRZ 403 H3 Digital Position Readout Display. Johannes Heidenhain LS803D 170mm Sealed incremental length measuring system. Click an Image to Enlarge Ernst Leitz Wetzlar Toolmakers Measuring Microscope w/ 9"x12" XY Precision Stage BEING SOLD AS-IS FOR PARTS OR REPAIR.

ernst leitz wetzlar microscope 212000 serial number

If in doubt, please contact us before purchasing. are not included unless pictured or described. more parts or not working Packaging: Pallet/Skid Warranty: AS-IS FOR PARTS OR REPAIR This auction only comes with what is pictured or listed in the description.

ernst leitz wetzlar microscope 212000 serial number

Search our eBay Store! Ernst Leitz Wetzlar Toolmakers Measuring Microscope w/ 9"x12" XY Precision Stage SKU: JV-HAN-C-DRJOHAN Condition: For.

Ernst leitz wetzlar microscope 212000 serial number